1. Commit the whole process of sponsorship to prayer. Pray for God to
reveal to you who is ready to attend a Face to Face Encounter and for
the person to be open to God’s call to discipleship. Share the joy you
experienced during your Emmaus experience.
2. Introduce Face to Face to potential pilgrims by sharing a brochure and
accessing information on our website.
Answer any of their questions by remembering
your experience from your Walk
or Encounter.
3. If the potential pilgrim has a spouse, encourage both to attend.
Remember that men and women can participate together in a Face to
Face Encounter.
3. Remind the potential pilgrim(s) that phones, smart watches, tablets,
cameras, etc. will not be allowed to be used during the Encounter. We
want participants’ full, uninterrupted attention on the events of the
Encounter. If they bring these items, they will be asked to turn them off
and place them in a basket at their tables.
4. Help pilgrim(s) complete their part of the Pilgrim Application and answer
any questions. (One application per person). Complete the Sponsor’s
part of the application and then both of you sign the Application. Include
payment for the pilgrim. (Scholarships are available.) Take the
Application to the pilgrim’s Pastor for them to complete and sign. Make a
copy of the application before mailing it in.
5. Mail the application to the address on the form. The pilgrim’s spot is
reserved when payment for the Registration Fee is made.
6. Sign up to pray for your pilgrim during the prayer vigil and to bring food
or table agape. The information about this can be found on our website.
7. Contact the pilgrim’s “Friend” and “Family Member” listed on their
application to request letters. Use this as an opportunity to network to
get more names and contact information for family, friends, or anyone
who knows and loves your Pilgrim. The goal is to get them to write
encouraging letters for your Pilgrim. They can either mail them to you,
making sure their letter is in an envelope addressed to the pilgrim and
that envelope is in another envelope addressed to you, or they can
email them, and you can print out the letter and put each one separately
in an envelope labeled with the pilgrim’s name. In the upper left corner,
write the relationship (family, friend, spouse, pastor, Emmaus community
member, etc.). Make sure to write your own letter to your pilgrim(s).
8. In the days/weeks leading up to the Encounter, be in regular contact with
your pilgrim. Answer any questions or concerns they may have. Help
them work through any conflicts they may have that would hinder them
from attending Face to Face. Pray for them.
9. During the Encounter
service and Sponsor’s Hour, Wednesday at 1:00 pm.
10.Following the Encounter
with them and find others to be in the group.
first Gathering following the Encounter will include Pilgrim Training.
Sponsorship is an act of love for God, for the Pilgrims,
for the Emmaus Community, and for the church.
It is a demonstration of Agape love.
It is making oneself an instrument of Prevenient Grace.